Swamiji’s lecture was on Knowledge talking about “Essence of Vedanta & Upanishads”.
His teachings were as follows
- In one line if you want to write about Vedanta or Bhagavad Gita Tat Tvam Asi => That you are
- The guru tells shishya, ‘You are That’
Aham Brahma Asmi => I am Brahman (God) - God is ‘Sat Chit Ananda’ which literarily means Existence - Consciousness - Bliss.

This is because of the facts of ‘Identification Theory’.
Identification Theory:
When entity ‘A’ identifies with entity ‘B’, the properties of ‘B’ appear to be the properties of ‘A’.
- Assume that you are in a theatre, Ads & popcorn is over & movie is started. Then slowly the story unfolds & you are gradually involved completely into the movie. Eventually whatever happens in movie happy or sad to he or she, it happens to you also.
Here character in movie is entity 'A' & you are entity 'B'.Though you have no personal connection with characters in the movie. - Assume mother => Entity ‘A’ and child => Entity ‘B’"If you win, she rejoices, if you fail, she weeps"
which means the property (emotions here) of the child (i.e. entity 'A') appear to be the property of the mother (i.e. entity 'B').
- Combination of five elements listed below is called matter.
- Akasha
- Vayu
- Agni
- Jala
- Prithvi
- Consciousness is Sat Chit Ananda
- In reality I am That Infinite Existence Bliss Consciousness but due to the identification theory, I feel I am finite and hence come to suffer sorrow.
- Story: A shepherd was taking herd of sheep into forest for gazing & bleeting. Lion was watching how the baby herds follow the senior herds and shepherd. As day passed by, the lion followed the sheep. Over years and years of doing the same as what sheep was doing & now the lion has become a coward. A new wild lion came into the forest & was stunned by the old lion's behaviour and cowardice. The old lion couldn't recollect the bravery of their species. Later the wild lion took the old lion to a pond, showed him and explained the difference between the sheep & lion and finally made it realize its strength.
Sheepish Lion - We
Wild Lion - Sadhguru
Pond - Scriptures - We are God but we have been living like an immortal puni human, so we do not accept we as god.
There comes a wild lion - Guru - who shows our true nature to us, by walking us through the Vedantas - Guru is the one who shows us that we are blissful by nature by guiding us through the Upanishads and Vedas; A person who comes to know oneself is called God Man / Jeevanmukta and this state is nothing but Mukti.
Where-ever oneness there is love,
Where-ever love there is compassion. - At the seat of meditation, you shift your attention to consciousness.
- Everywhere there is a consciousness but we are trying to find the existence or form of consciousness. Even in deep sleep, there is consciousness though you say 'I slept well so I know nothing. Basically we are not able to experience our infinite nature because of our presence in the finite body.
- Why you feel jealous of others success or good marks?
If the otherness goes away, you will not feel jealous.
If you identify yourself with your mind, you will feel jealous.
If you identify yourself with your intellect, you will not feel jealous. - Sorrows begins with identification and ends with the reverse.
Bhagawad Gita - Chapter 9; Verse: 2
rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ pavitram idam uttamam
pratyakṣhāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam
pratyakṣhāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam
This royal science, royal secret, the supreme purifier, realisable by direct intuitive knowledge, according to the dharma, is very easy to perform and imperishable.
The royal secret is you are God but you don't understand. Even when you are told, you don't understand. The above principles are very easy to practise and you will get good results.
The royal secret is you are God but you don't understand. Even when you are told, you don't understand. The above principles are very easy to practise and you will get good results.
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