The laws that leads to your destiny are
- As your thoughts, so will be your state of your mind
The mental state can either be peaceful or disturbed.
If your thoughts are good, noble, positive, your mind will be peaceful.
If your thoughts are bad, negative, dishonest, arrogant, selfishness, your mind will be disturbed.
Apply the law to yourself -
whenever you were jealous, where you disturbed or not?
whenever you were good, where you peaceful or not?
- There is a cause & effect relationship
- To convert the disturbed mind to positive mind, apply the 5 point technique stated in "Recovering from the fall"
If someone abuse you, you are upset. why?
You are actually not disturbed by the person who abused you but your own positive thought leading you to react instead of responding is what disturbs you. Actually speaking nobody can disturb you without your permission. So try to keep your thoughts calm & composed at all times.
- Purer the mind, greater the control over your mind
Mind is nothing but the flow of thoughts and the factors that decides success are hardwork, selflessness, perseverance, determination etc
- When you have control over mind, you have control over everything else.
- The mind is like an iron rod, which can be made into any shape.
For that you need to heat the iron rod first. Similarly you will have to first make the mind pure to get control over it.
- As your thoughts, so will be your personality
- If your thoughts are good, you will have dynamic, noble, charming, attractive personality.
- If your thoughts are bad, you will have rebelling, unattractive personality.
You like only the former quality person but not the later one. - When you interact with a person, you need to observe that the person & will remember the time well spent and the healthy conversation you had next time too.
One would love to meet & interact with noble / good person but not the complain box.
So analyse yourself to know what kind of a person you are! - If you have been bad in the past, try gradually changing in the right way, you cannot change the opinion on you overnight forcefully.
- As your thoughts, so will be the world perceived by you
- If your thoughts are positive, world is wonderful and divine.
- If your thoughts are negative, world if full of woes & worries.
- Example 1:
If you think of ghost, you will see ghost everywhere.
If you think of God & goodness, you will see God everywhere.
Example 2:
Yudistira & Duryodhana went around the city, came back & explained what they say.
Duryodhana said no one is good where as Yudistira said all are good & perfect. - What is the proof that you are a good person?
If you cannot do self-marketing that you are good. If you have the ability to forget and forgive, you will eventually be a good person. - Acharya's answer for a Child's question:
Question: Why a person very good at heart, born with deformation / disabilities is disliked by people?
Answer: The world will one day appreciate your goodness over & above your deformation / disabilities and you will have to put best efforts. Hellen Keller is the best example, who was adorned for her nobility despite her physical limitations - deaf, dum & blind.
- As your thoughts, so will be the world formed around you
Examples: - In prison, everyone around are criminals, liers, endangered folks
- In Balavihar camp, wonderful teachings are given of Bhagawan Shri Krishna because you have done good deed to be amidst noble teaches, Load Omkareshwara & Chinmaya Ganapati.
- When you are studying hard to become a successful engineer, you will try & pass engineering entrance, get into engineering college, you will see engineering problems as you are in the engineering world.
So are the people in Mathematics, Medicine and other fields. Hence choose good thoughts. - If you go to a hotel, order for Idly Vada and when the server gets a plate of Idly Vada in 5 minutes, you shouldn't be surprised.
- As you sow, so shall you reap
- According to Newtons law, it is proven that every action has equal & opposite reaction.
Swamiji ended the session with a note from Bhagawad Gita as follows
Bhagawad Gita - Chapter 6; Verse: 40
śhrī bhagavān uvāchapārtha
naiveha nāmutra vināśhas tasya vidyate
na hi kalyāṇa-kṛit kaśhchid durgatiṁ tāta gachchhati
The Blessed Lord said:
O Partha, neither in this world nor in the next world is there destruction for him; none, verily, who strives to be good, O my son, ever comes to grief.
For the doers of good things, only good things will happen to him. He will never get bad things either when he is alive or dead.